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Q: Is it safe to wear makeup while wearing detailed contacts?
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Blindness while wearing contacts.?

You should not have complications or blindness from wearing contacts. Follow the instructions given by your eye doctor and always keep your contacts clean. Only wear contacts prescribed for you.

Can you use lubricant eye drop while wearing your contacts lens?

Many types of lubricant eye drops are safe and effective to use, even while wearing contacts. Bausch and Lomb ReNu brand eye drops and Systane Contacts are two lubricant eye drop products that are safe to use while wearing contacts (which will not harm your contacts and will help your eyes).

Does using methamphetimines while wearing makeup cause any sickness?


What is an alternative to wearing contacts while playing water polo?

Prescription goggles.

What do you do if your contacts get dry while in your eye?

Well, I get eye drops that are specifically for when you are wearing contacts, you should be able to find some in your local pharmacy.

Is it safe to cry while wearing colored contacts?

Yes! Why wouldnt it be? And why would it be differnts if its colored?

What is driver's license's restriction 01 in Tennessee?

You must be wearing glasses or contacts while driving.

What did people wear in 1897 makeup wise?

People exposed themselves on the street while wearing tempting fortunes in jewels in 1897 makeup wise.

What happens if you use visine while your contacts are in?

Using Visine while wearing contacts can result in the solution becoming trapped between the lens and your eye. This can cause discomfort, blurry vision, and possibly damage to the contact lenses. It is recommended to remove your contacts before using Visine, and wait at least 15 minutes before reinserting them.

Is it OK to watch a 3D movie while wearing contacts?

As far as I know, it's perfectly fine, like wearing glasses underneath safety goggles or 3D glasses. Only more comfortable... If there was any problem the cinema would indicate or your eye specialist would advise against contacts at the 3D movies.

Does wearing makeup while playing a sport when you sweat make you break out?

yes it does..when you are sweating, the pores on your skin open up to let the sweat out and if you are wearing makeup, what happens is that the chemicals enter your pores and say there, they are not being absorbed but they sit in your pores and then when your skin cools down they are locked up inside which causes pimples and break out and skin looks very bad

Is it bad to rub your eyes with contacts on?

Yes, it is not recommended to rub your eyes while wearing contacts as it can increase the risk of dislodging the lenses or getting debris trapped under them. This can cause discomfort, infections, or even damage to your eyes and contacts. If you experience irritation, it is best to remove your contacts properly and avoid rubbing your eyes.