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It depends on what type of bleach you are talking about. If you are talking about HAIR bleach then the answer below is correct.

Bleach takes off the color of your hair making it easier to dye your hair. Yes you could leave it white after bleached but it will damage your hair eventually if you bleach it too much.

If you are talking about common household bleach, it is possible. BUT, you will get many unnecessary toxins that you would not get from normal hair bleach. Plus there is a risk that the next day your hair will break off in chunks if you used household bleach.

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Q: Is it possible to dye your hair with bleach?
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You don't. There is no way to die hair without die. It is only possible to lighten hair without dye by using bleach

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You have to bleach your hair before you dye it, because the bleach lightens your hair. You can't put dye on your hair until it's light, and you cannot mix the two together.

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yes but you would have to bleach it first

Your hair is brown how do you make it black?

You can dye it with hair products or you can bleach it

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Use hair dye, I presume.

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you dont "dye" your hair blonde. you bleach it. and hair bleach is a very harsh chemical on the hair. if you dont do it properly your hair may fall out. but in other words, it is possible to bleach your hair and much less damaging if you have virgin hair(meaning you have no other colour of dye already on your hair). but after bleaching your hair will still be "fried" and not very soft. the best thing to do would be to just get it done by a professional versus trying to do it yourself.

Can you bleach your white ear gauges....if they have been stained with hair dye?

Yes, hair bleach might work and normal bleach might work. Hair dye is a stain, so it's not permanent.

Can a brunette with darker brown hair dye their hair with temporary hair dye and have it come out bleach blonde?

no you cant would have to be permanent high lift tint or bleach

How can you dye your hair without bleach?

No if you have a light color you do not thing to bleach it

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