Dry shampoo typically expires 2-3 years after the date of manufacture. It is important to check the expiration date on the packaging and discontinue use if it has expired.
Yes it does, it should usually be on the bottom or back of the bottle, if you do use it while out of date, it could damage your hair! It does not have an actual date on it but you will see on the label, usually at the back of the bottle, a little circular sign with the number 6, 12 or 24 in it. This is the length of time in months in which you should use the shampoo.
It's generally safe to eat M&M's after the expiration date as long as they look and smell fine. The expiration date is more of a quality guideline, so they may not taste as fresh or may have changed texture. Use your judgment and if in doubt, it's best to discard them.
The expiration date is there for a reason. If it's a cheesecake which doesn't use preservatives, then the expiration date is probably pretty accurate.
maybe shortly after the expiration date
Crystal Light has a "best used by" date. Most artificial sweeteners degrade over time. The recommended use by date should be on the package.
December 1st(is the earliest expiration date) through 5th (is the last possible date of consumtion) 2004
You don't want to use any medication past the expiration date, as it will not work as effectively as it should. Your asthma may not be as well controlled if you use Asmanex past its expiration date, which is 45 days from when you open it.
To inform the consumer of the best date to use by.
Most coupons do have an expiration date. For the most part coupons do have an expiration date that you have to use the coupon by or you will be unable to use them.