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Q: Is it normal to bayonet an enemy in the belly button?
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Is a belly button a common target when you bayonet an enemy?

Absolutely, driving a bayonet into the belly of an enemy soldier not only kills him but sends terror through the ranks of the other soldiers. Imagine a cold piece of sharpened steel entering your navel and driving into your intestines. The pain is pure agony and since it's a soft target the bayonet can be pulled out fairly easily while tugging out the guts of your enemy especially if the wound can be seen through the uniform with profuse bleeding and screams of the soldier. It may take hours to die as well.

What does bayoneted mean?

"Bayoneted" is a verb form of the noun "Bayonet". Bayonet is a knife that fits on the end of a rifle that allows you to use it in close combat. Verb Form: A soldier bayonets an enemy by attacking him in this manner. Verb Past Tense: If a person attacks someone with a bayonet mounted on a rifle, then he has bayoneted an enemy.

How do you do the iron belly in Kung Fu panda xbox 360?

"Po's Counterattacks - Po has two special counterattacks. While blocking, press the (X) or (Y) button to perform the Iron Belly counterattack. Po can also use an enemy's attack energy to enter Fun Ball: while blocking, press the (B) button."

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When you are behind an enemy, HOLD your melee button for the assassination (normal ones are called beat downs,btw)

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You walk to the back of a enemy and HOLD the punch button to Assassinate.

How do you body slam the box on crash bandicoot?

In a normal Crash Bandicoot game on PlayStation1/2, with the normal controls, to slam a crate, enemy or just about anything just jump (by pressing the (x) button) and in midair press the (o) button. You'll body slam on the ground. This is useful because the metal crates can only be opened by slamming them.

What are the disadvantages of bayonets?

While very helpful in close combat, the bayonet can throw of the weight and sights of a gun, and is only used as a last resort. It can only be used when the enemy is close, so you risk getting shot while attempting to make it to the enemy.

When did the bayonet appear as a weapon of European armies?

Although the bayonet appeared as a weapon attached to an infantryman's musket as early as the middle of the 17th century, it was not a standard weapon until the beginning of the 18th century. Then, most European armies made use of this "knife like" spear attached to the barrel of muskets. The bayonet extended the standard musket to perhaps a six to seven foot "spear" and useful in hand to hand combat. It was not effective against cavalry soldiers with long lances. Often times the bayonet was not always attached to a musket before a battle began. In the course of battle when ammunition was used up or when it was clear that it was needed, soldiers could attach it in an infantry charge. In the US Civil War, the bayonet was not viewed as an essential item for the infantry, however, within any number of battles, the frontline of a charging force were so close to the enemy, there was no room for a soldier to sight and shot at the enemy. In such cases, the bayonet was essential.

In the Odyssey who does Odysseus say is the enemy that causes men to make war on others?

The answer is a hungry belly. *Not a Joke*

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Usually a killing move is your "fire" button and a move that only knocks the enemy out uses the "zoom" button Left click and right click for PC You must be very close to the enemy to be able to "punch"

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Most people who have an arch-enemy, the arch- enemy is a person who has done them wrong. To have an animal as an arch Ðenemy is considered to be slightly abnormal.

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mopp 0