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The best ting to do is go see your peircer. It may be infected or maybe just improper jewelry

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Q: Is it normal for the bottom part of your tongue under the bar to be swelled and bleeding because its just the bottom and it hurts a little more then the top. I do not knowwhat to think. infection?
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Put a bandaid on first and if swelled put on ice.

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Past tense of swell?

swelled My toe swelled up last night.

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The present perfect tense of "swell" is "has swelled" or "have swelled," depending on the subject of the sentence. For example, "The river has swelled after heavy rains."

Got tongue pierced 3 years ago it swelled now for no reason should you take it out?

This can be a sign of a possible infection or up comming cold, I would suggest you talk to your doctor.

What is the past tense of swell?

The past tense of "swell" is "swelled."

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The past of "swell" is "swelled" and the past participle is "swollen."

The leftside of your nose is swelled and tender and redi had your nose pierced for almost a year and you took the jewelry out it was stainless steel and your nose still hurts really bad what could it?

Sounds like an infection. See your doctor.

If allergic to penicillyn can you take amoxilyn?

NO -took it for tooth infection -after just 2 tablets face swelled up & rash appeared on chest & neck & felt very ill (the toothache was the lesser of two evils !).