Beeswax, cranberries, and crayons
Yes you can use vaseline on dreads. I would not recommend starting dreads off with vaseline, but if you want to use it to grease your scalp I will use just a little. If you use too much grease like vaseline, depending on the length and thickness of your dreads, when it's time for a shampoo you will have to use steaming hot water or as hot as you can stand it with shampoo to remove all the grease. If you are starting dreads off I recommend using beeswax, or beeswax gel,or find a brand that you are comfortable with.
Use some Chapstick. I preferably use Palmer's and it soothes the burning. :)
Using ChapStick After a PiercingYes, use a non colored and non alcohol based kind until the whole heals up. bestkind is anyone made with beeswax in it. AnswerYup I Used Mine The Day After I Got It Pierced Dont Worry About Finding A Spacific "alchol free" Because Most Chapsticks Dont Have it In There Because i drys Your Lips Out More So I Dont Know What Tha Person Was Talking About. - This is not true. A vast majority of lip balms use alcohol in them that actually DRIES out your lips. The reason your lips feel smooth after applying chapstick is because the alcohol creates a cool medicated feeling, but it will actually just dry your lips out. You would be best going with a brand like burts bees or putting vaseline on your lips. Just check the labels to make sure there is no alcohol in it.
Dielectric grease would be a better choice.
You can make ointment without beeswax and use paraffin wax instead. Most people like beeswax because it is more organic.
Use chapstick
A cherry chapstick that contains a UV sunscreen filter is recommended for use in the sun.The ordinary cherry chapsticks will not offer any protection.
Paraffin wax won't work because it gets really hard. Beeswax stays soft, so it's better. The plant-based waxes like carnauba have a weird smell, and probably a weird taste. So I wouldn't use those either. In short, nothing but beeswax will work in beauty recipes where beeswax is specified.
Many people use Vaseline before shampooing. The Vaseline treatment is used as a remedy for dry scalp. A person can massage it into his scalp before shampooing the hair.
no, they use beeswax
use Vaseline