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Curly, cuz if your hair is straight and thick, your curls wont stay long, if its straight and thin, the curls will stay long, but depends on the hair spray...

when your hair is curly you can curl it better....

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Q: Is it better to get you hair curled if its straight or curly?
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Related questions

What is better straightened or curly hair?

Straight hair

What type of hair is better curled or striaght?

I personally think straight hair with curled ends looks the best!

Which looks better straight or curly?

It depends on the person... Straight hair is cool, swaggish, and fun. Curly hair is hmmm..... I like straight better haha

Do you think Taylor Swift looks better with straight or curly hair?

Curly but I like her hair straight too

How do you get curly hair when your hair is super straight?

You can buy curlers at most hair stores, they look a bit like straighteners, but the hair gets wrapped around them, it warms the hair and it stays curly. My hair is very straight, once my grandmother curled my hair and it looked like I had curly hair. You have to redo it every day, though.

Is it better to have curly or straight hair with a beanie?

Striaght hair, deffinatly!

What is Better to have curly or straight or wavy hair?

they are all very nice but i think curly

Should you straight your hair or curl it?

straighten it. straight hair is MUCH better than curly hair. x :)

Which is better- straight hair or curly hair?

Well,Whatever its(Straight or curly),it given by God, but okay,as a question it goes like, IF UR FACE IS SMALL AND ROUND, GO FOR STRAIGHT HAIR, AND IF LONG AND OVAL, GO FOR CURLY.

Give you a sentence using curled?

She decorated the package with a curled ribbon. Does my hair look better when it is curled or when its straight? The whipped cream was so rich that it curled our tongues.

What does Selena Gomez like straight hair or curly hair?

her hair is curly so she obviously like curly hair. and in a wizards of waverly place episode ... he told justn (her brother) to get a girlfriend with curly hair. and he said why and she said because curly hair ic cuter than straight ..

Which is prettier curly hair or straight hair?

Well, If your hair is curly some people like a change but some people don't but like I was saying if your hair is curly some days when you have time you could straighten it or if your hair is straight some days when have time you could curl it.