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No! Check with the piercer to see what gauge ur lip bar is .... mine is 16g

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Q: Is a normal sized earring the same size as a normal sized lip piercing?
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Are you allowed to take an earring out after piercing a cardilage?

If you want the piercing to close up, then yes, take it out. If you want to keep the piercing and avoid pain or infection then it is best to leave the same earring in for at least two months, after that you can change freely between earrings. If the original earring is causing problems (ie. seeming too long, or too short) then go back to your piercer for advice.

Can midgets get married?

Yes, the same as 'normal-sized' people.

What size earring should you use with a Tragus piercing?

For a tragus piercing, it's important to use an earring that is specifically designed for that type of piercing. The size of the earring will depend on the individual's anatomy and the initial jewelry used for the piercing. Generally, a small stud or hoop with a diameter of around 1/4 inch to 3/8 inch (6mm to 9mm) is commonly used for a tragus piercing. However, it's best to consult with a professional piercer for personalized advice on sizing and jewelry selection based on your specific piercing.

Does it hurt to get your second ear pierced?

No more than the others but it need to be done by a professional body piercer because you are now into the cartilage portion of the ear and piercing guns are not intended nor designed to be used on that portion of the ear.

What is the difference between a nose ring and a earring?

In body piercing all quality body jewellery is about the same unless it's purpose made for a specific piercing. Earrings (captive bead rings) and nostril rings (captive bead rings) are one and the same except for the gauge and diameter of the actual ring.

What is chipolata?

A chipolata is athin sausage which is the same length as a normal sized sausage

What is a double piercing?

Well a double piercing is exactly what it is called a double piercing. It is the same piercing in the same area with the same jewellery done twice.

Will a lip piercing stretch after age you get it?

Once any piercing is *seasoned (*over a year old ), so long as the jewellery is appropriate for the piercing in gauge and length or diameter the piercing will not stretch unless you change it to a larger gauge. So will you have this big gaping hole in your lip? Well no, if you stay with the jewellery you are sized to it should stay the same size during the *life of the piercing (* this is for however long you choose to keep the piercing ).

The jewelry store sells a necklace made out of fluoride as the same material as a earring made out of fluorite would the fluorite in the necklace be softer harder or the same as in the earring?

the same

Is piercing your belly button easier after you have had it done perfesionaly and then taken it?

All piercing should be professionally done, re piercing anything in the same location will result in increased discomfort due to cutting through the old piercing tissue. When tissue is formed for a piercing it develops the same sensory receptors as normal skin. If the piercing is still opened and it's a case of the jewellery not going all the way through the piercing, see your local professional body piercer and have them use a taper to open the piercing to the right size.

I got an earring in the cartilage will the industrial hurt?

The sensation is a bit more intense because you are getting two piercings in one sitting and it's done with a needle not a gun. so it should be not too bad about the same as the cartilage piercing.

Is Mars a nomal sized planet?

It depends what size you would call normal, but Mars is about the same size as Earth.