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I have the same features and have been every color in the book from platinum to black, hot pink to icy blue.... i think strawberry blonde gives pale people color, dark red makes your eyes almost look green but stay within 2 tones of your natural color to keep your results safe... i went blonde to black and back... that was traumatizing. The best would be a combo of your parents colors.... my dad had brownish red hair and my mom and i were born with almost white hair... so i stay from light blonge to medium red.

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Q: If you have blue eyes pale skin and an oval face what color hair would be the best?
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What color cloths goes best with blue eyes?

According to painters the best color cloths to fit with blue eyes is orange but I would add black. ( some dark orange goes nicely)

What hair color is the best for blue eyes?

I would have to say blond hair. I know two people with blond hair and blue eyes and they look beautiful. I think the lighter the hair the better. But, that is only if they have bright blue eyes. If they have dark blue eyes I would have to say dark brown or black. I use to have blue eyes but now I don't they changed color. I have dark brown hair and they were dark brown and beautiful. So this is my opinion. hope this helps.

What color do blue eyes look best in?

black definetly

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Well If you have The Demigod Files, there is a picture of him and his eyes look blue. So i would say his eyes were blue.

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Dark brown NOT black.

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Well I personally would go for like a non natural colour say pink, light blue or purple. I think it would look good with blue eyes.

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A baby cannot have red eyes, as red eyes are not a natural eye color in humans. If a mother has blue eyes and the father has a red-eye color, the baby will most likely have blue or green eyes, as blue is a recessive trait and would be dominant over a hypothetical red trait.

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Scotty eyes color: Are piece baby blue. And, They are BEAUTIFUL Color!!

If your mother had brown eyes and her father had blue eyes what would the baby have?

Brown color of eye is dominant over blue color. If the mother is homozygous for brown color of eye, than the all the children will have brown color eyes. If mother is heterozygous for brown eyes, than 50% of children will have brown eyes and 50% will have blue eyes.

What would be the color of children with male brown eyes and female blue eyes?

The children would likely have a 50% chance of having brown eyes and a 50% chance of having blue eyes. Eye color is a polygenic trait, meaning it is determined by multiple genes, so the actual outcome can vary.