No, wind burn does not leave a tan. But your head does seem to be full of hot air. Try tanning with that!
If you have a very fair colour , It will turn your skin red and after a while the skin colour will again change back to normal. But, if you are a bit dark or average skin colour then it will surely turn tan and in most cases it is very difficult to get back the original colour. There are less chances to get back the original colour even after months. I suggest you to use a Sunscreen with high SPF, may 15 or even 30 before you go out and expose your skin into sun. I will also recommend to wash your face with Mild soap immeadiately after you come from sun, such that any dead cells are removed and there are less chances of damage. You may also use a skin brightening gel ,but all those cosmetics of good quality only, slightly expensive ones are the bests. I hope this resolves your query .
u will get sun burn or tan
To burn or discolor by the sun; to tan., The burning or discoloration produced on the skin by the heat of the sun; tan.
Both a tan and a burn result from exposure to ultraviolet light.
No, wind burn does not leave a tan. But your head does seem to be full of hot air. Try tanning with that!
you may burn but might get a tan
Some people have a higher rate of sensitivity in their skin cells
If you are talking about a tan, UV rays from the sun are what makes your skin darker. If you do not apply sun blockthe skin will just burn, and turn red when exposed to the UV rays for too long. Apply sun screen, or a sun tan lotionthat will help protect your skin from the harmful rays, and encourage your skin to get a radiant tan naturally. UV rays are not used in self-tan products.
You will lose your tan if your not in the sun anymore!
No it doesnt.. it just stops u from burning in the sun! The SPF numbers are how long you can stay in the sun without starting to burn... so in theory the higher the number the longer it will take to burn. U will tan regardless! x
Redheads can burn more easily, even in a tanning bed. Freckles can turn darker, whether using the sun or a tanning bed.
Well I think spray tan if you tan to easily in the sun. Also tanning beds can burn you badly if you stay in too long.
yes if you stay out of the sun!