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becasue the force of the hammer is being doubled, the nail will be droven in twice as far

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Q: If a hammer hits a nail with twice the speed how much deeper will the nail be driven into the wall?
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Twice the Speed of Life was created on 2004-10-26.

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Twice the speed of sound is called Mach 2. This means an object is traveling at twice the speed of sound, around 1,522 miles per hour at sea level.

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If the hammer fell from a roof that is twice as tall, it would have four times the kinetic energy compared to when it fell from the original height. This is because the potential energy of the hammer is proportional to its height, so doubling the height results in quadrupling the potential energy, which is converted to kinetic energy as it falls.

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That means the speed, compared to the speed of sound. For example, "mach 2" means twice the speed of sound.

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Thor.. Maybe he could even eat spider man alive. Lol. JK. But Thor, he could even throw his hammer at the speed of light (see thor # 140) or he could swing it about twice faster thn speed of light.. (see Thor #102). But I hate it when he don't use his speed to fight hulk..

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There is currently no commercial airliner which can travel at that speed.

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There is currently no commercial airliner which can travel at that speed.

What would happen to a hammers kinetic energy if it fell from a roof twice as high as the first roof?

The hammers KE would be double if it travelled twice the distance from rest as the first hammer.