Armpit hair begins to show once puberty has begun.
not necasserily, people develop at different times, although, I am 13 with armpit hair, an Adams apple and pubic hair, so the best guess is, yes.
Well to answer your question, "Is a 13 yr old boy meant to have armpit hair", my answer to you is yes! Right now I'm 15 and I have Armpit hair, Pubic hair, and Leg hair, A LOT of leg hair. I started getting Armpit hair when I was 12 so it's normal, you just are developing faster. Well I am 15 1/2, and i have barley any armpit hair, but i have pubric hair, and leg hair only on my lower limbs. I dont know why but this is how its always been, and it kinda sucks, because people who look like they are in the 6th grade have more armpit hair then me? Anybody telll me why please
I am 31 and still have very little armpit hair. I shave it maybe once a month at most. This is normal. Some people are just less hairier than others. Don't sweat it.
Well, isn't that a lovely question! Armpit hair typically starts to grow during puberty, which is a special time when our bodies go through lots of changes. It's all part of nature's way of helping us grow and become the unique individuals we are meant to be. Just remember, everyone develops at their own pace, so there's no need to compare yourself to anyone else. Just enjoy the journey!
Hey. Well I developed pubic hair at age 11. It was blond then at the age of 12 it went brown. The same happens with your armpit hair except it comes later. My armpit hair came through blond at age 13 and went brown at age 14. Under arm hair usually develops later in puberty.
You are in puberty if you have body hair.
This must be irritating to hear again, but it all depends. Usually males start pubic growth around 11-14, with exceptions. Facial hair usually grows around 13-16, and armpit hair at around 14 to as late as 17 or 18. Its all in your genes, so there isn't anything you can do about making it grow faster or slower.
Don't worry, you will develop mature charactaristics, just the same as your friends. Some bodies mature at different rates, but by mid-teens they are mostly at about the same level.
This has a bit to do with heredity and genetics. of course hormones play the major role, but you can't have an exact answer for when your armpit hair is fully grown because the age of hormone regulation varies in each individual. but commonly by the age of 13 to 16 it must be fully grown. for a more exact answer ask your parents and relatives at what age was their armpit hair fully grown, because your anatomy is similar to their's. it also varies if your a male or female, usually females reach puberty before male. by the way, what's the rush for?! armpit hair can be annoying and increases foul smelling body odour.
He is probably not used to them yet. I have 2 twin cousins. They are 13 (boys) and only one has grown armpit hair so far. He sometimes rubs under his arms without knowing but he sometimes SHOWS IT OFF. Your brother may be doing the same thing.