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Ideal weight for a male is around 180 at 6'0".

Ideal for female is about 140.

There isn't enough information to go of there. A 60 year old man will weigh different to a 18 year old man, and then different to a woman.

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17y ago
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15y ago

Theres no actual answer because muscle weighs more than fat, therefore you can be muscular and fit but have a high BMI.

To work out you BMI use the formula:

height in meters times by height in meters then divided by your weight in kilograms

healthy should be below or around 25

6ft 3 is about 1.87 meters so

you have to do

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10y ago

I'm the same hieght and I've been researching a lot. So basically if you are a teen you should be around 170 - 200. Since you are this big you should really be using it to your advantage and be going to the gym. When you become an adult you should be 200 - 250 MAX.

Note, if you are below 170 you should go to the gym and build muscle and mass. If you're 6'3 175 and have muscle, you'll look fine.

I'm currently 6'3 and 150, I'm starting to go to the gym and it's helping alot. Just make sure you work EVER part of your body, don't go for just arms or chest or whatever but be fit. This also includes running, lifting, sports and etc.

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10y ago

depends on body composure. my friend weighs 150 and is 6'3. that is wayy underweight. you wanna be 165 at the least i would say. whatever fits you really. just eat alot of protein and healthy food and work on on whatever parts of your body that you think is fat. i'm 15 5'9 and 126.

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12y ago

Anywhere from 185 to 215 depending on your physique. As always, it is important to remember that this can vary greatly according to your bone density, muscle mass, and fat mass. Check with your doctor for more specifics.

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16y ago

When you're 6'6 (198cm) you should weight around 80-100kg :]

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15y ago

you should weigh around 13 n half stones, or 210 lbs. give or take

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14y ago

i am 6'5" and i am not in the best of shape, but i play a lot of Basketball. I weigh 235 after i play and after i go number 1

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12y ago

moer than or equal to 72kg

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Q: How much should a 6 foot 3 inch male weigh?
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