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to much its not hard have some one in your familly do it

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Q: How much money do people spend on getting their hair done?
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i think nothing will happen. lawyers costs lots of money. unless she's rich, i don't think she'll want to spend the time and money on her lawyer. but if you're real worried about it, i'd get a lawyer and try to "settle" before it reaches court. you can also ask your lawyer to bury her in paperwork and she'll spend lots of money on her lawyer and might give up before it even gets to court.

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== == * Yes, because when you work hard for something you get whether it's making a great deal of money or getting a promotion at work, etc., there is a pride attached to it. You did it on your own through hard work! As far as money the old saying, 'Easy come, easy go.' If you work hard for your money you are more careful how you spend it. If it's left to you well over 80% of people squander the money. There was actually a documentary done on people that won lotteries in the U.S. and Canada and almost all of the people squandered their money and few invested wisely. * I don't think so. How you handle money all depends on the type of person that you are. If you are a business minded person, you will find a way to make the money work for you so that you can keep it. If you are frivolous with money, you are going to spend it before you know it. Working for money doesn't change whether or not you handle it well. The money that I work for goes just as quickly as my economic stimulus check. There is no difference because I am a spender to the heart. * Enjoy it differently... no; spend it differently... yes.

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It depends on the student and how much time you spend goofing off instead of getting it done.

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