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not much just look around shops and ask for prices and they should help you out

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Q: How much is bleach for your hair?
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Is it possible to dye your hair with bleach?

It depends on what type of bleach you are talking about. If you are talking about HAIR bleach then the answer below is correct. Bleach takes off the color of your hair making it easier to dye your hair. Yes you could leave it white after bleached but it will damage your hair eventually if you bleach it too much. If you are talking about common household bleach, it is possible. BUT, you will get many unnecessary toxins that you would not get from normal hair bleach. Plus there is a risk that the next day your hair will break off in chunks if you used household bleach.

Does L'Oreal color zap have bleach?

yes >.> not much shouldnt harm your hair as much as hardcore bleach

Can you bleach hair with household bleach?

It is not recommended to use household bleach to bleach hair as it can cause severe damage to the hair and scalp. It is better to use hair bleach specifically formulated for hair.

How much mayo do you mix with pink lemonade to bleach hair?

bleaching is not good for your hair!

How do you only bleach only the tips of your hair?

put your hair into a ponytail then pull out small strands one by one and apply bleach to their tips. Try not to play with your hair after you have applied bleach or move your head to much, as it is too easy for the bleach to spread to the rest of your hair this way. You have to be really careful in general if you want the bleach to only remain on your tips.

What is hair bleach?

its basically bleach with some chemicals in it.

What does lemon juice do to black hair?

Lemon juice won't do much for black hair. If you're interested in lightening it, you'll need to use hair bleach lightener.

Is that true after using hair die hair goes damage?

Yes dont use bleach other hair dyes that are semi perm are fine and dont damage hair as much as bleach and permanent colors.

What happens if you bleach your hair with laundry bleach?

Bleaching hair with laundry bleach is extremely risky and not recommended. Laundry bleach is much harsher than hair bleach, which can cause severe damage to the hair and scalp, including hair breakage, scalp burns, and in some cases, permanent hair loss. It can also lead to skin irritation and allergic reactions. It is best to use products specifically designed for hair bleaching and to consult a professional stylist for guidance.

How do you bleach your hair with Clorox bleach?

It is not safe to bleach hair with Clorox bleach as it is a harsh chemical that can cause serious damage to your hair and scalp. It is recommended to use hair bleach specifically designed for that purpose and follow the instructions carefully to avoid any potential harm.

How much powder bleach and developer is needed to make hair bleach blond?

The amount specified in the instructions for the product you are using.

Does hair dye break your hair off?

no it doesn't only if you use the right hair dye