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depends on the person i know people whose hair grows barely a centimeter a month and some people i know have hair that grows an inch per month

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Q: How much hair growth occurs per day in human beings?
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Why do human beings have hair in their noses?

Human beings have hair in their noses because the man who ate the spider said to put hair in the nose.

Do you have to have pubic hair before your penis gets big?

No, pubic hair growth occurs simultaneously along with genital growth.

Why is hair not digestible?

Hair is made up of keratin. Human beings lack the necessary enzymes to digest keratin.

Does human hair effect the growth of plants?

Yes it can

Does water increase hair growth?

Drinking water improves all of the human body's functions, including hair growth.

Why is the top of your hair not growing with the rest of your hair?

all hair growth occurs from the base of the hair (the follicle), it is from here that the protein which hair is made of (keratin) is secreated

Does your hair grow every day?

Hair growth occurs in cycles and varies from person to person. On average, hair grows about half an inch each month. This growth is not uniform daily but occurs steadily over time.

Why do people grow unwanted body hair?

Hormones. Taking Human Growth Hormones or Steroids can cause extra unwanted hair growth.

Stages of hair growth?

Hair growth occurs in three main stages: anagen (active growth phase lasting 2-7 years), catagen (transitional phase lasting 2-3 weeks), and telogen (resting phase lasting 2-4 months). During anagen, the hair follicles are actively producing hair; in catagen, hair growth stops and the follicles shrink; and in telogen, old hairs are shed to make way for new growth.

How fast does human hair grow in miles per hour?

The growth rate of human scalp hair is: 1/100000000 mph or 10^-8 mph.

What are three genetic traits found in human beings?

Three genetic traits found in human beings include eye color, blood type, and hair texture. These traits are inherited from our parents and are determined by specific genes. Variations in these genes contribute to the diversity of physical traits seen in human populations.

How harmful is bleaching human hair?

Bleaching human hair is extremely harmful because it hurts the hair fibers and can actually kill strands of hair. It also burns or irritates the skin on the human skull, causing more damage then good. It also hurts hair growth and contributes to hair loss or baldness.