too much for you
Around 1250
Well it depends on what you consider small? You can probably get a "small" tattoo for $60-75. More if you wanted color. Go and educate yourself first before getting a tattoo. Walk into a parlor and get an education.
if its big around 130-150& if it small probably 90-100
It depends on the tattoo shop you would get it done at. Most tattoo shops have a minimus price (anywhere from $50 - $100) because you have to pay for a new needle, tattoo ink, etc. If it's a very small tattoo, most shops will do it for the minimum cost.
Depending on the size and type of a tattoo, it may cost up to $300.
It cost $400 per session (a session is about 15 minutes). Each session will also be different depending on how large and or small the tattoo actually is.
How much money do you have
An invisible ink tattoo can be quite costly and will vary depending on tattoo artist and shop. A small bottle of the ink used costs approximately $270. On average, one can expect to pay approximately $125 for a small piece.
It depends on what kind of tattoo your getting.