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Agencies ask that Female Models are no less that 5'11 and males, nothing under 6'0. If you are, you can be disadvantaged.

Your average healthy female model could range anywhere between 45-60 kilograms (usually in the height bracket of 5'8 or above). It really depends on other proportions in measurement. Measurements of proportions are also important. For example, Bust, Waist, and Hips. These are measured before a model can be accepted into an agency.

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Q: How much do fashion models weigh?
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How much does the average model who is 5'3 weigh?

no models are 5'3.. or at least no "high fashion" models. I think the shortest height they accept is 5'7.

How much does a 5'10 woman have to weigh to be a high fashion model?

Usually 120-125 but please do not be one of those unhealthy models that weigh 90 pounds.

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VS models fulfill the same requirements as regular fashion models. When it comes to weight, models 5'8" and taller should weigh between 100 lbs to 125 lbs max.It really depends how tall you are but Miranda Kerr weighs about 52kg

How much do models weigh?

An average model weigh about 110 Ib.

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depends on how good they are

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Fashion models are also known as "runway models."

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Fashion models don't really need an education, but it will help if they have a bachelors degree in fashion design

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It really depends, but for newer lighter models 50kg is a good bet, and then you have the ammunation... Older models can weigh up to 150kg, and other vehicle or mounted models may be even more.

How much do fashion designers pay to be in fashion shows?

Fashion designers can make their own fashion shows, or they can pay a company to assign a slot for them...but they aren't in fashion shows themselves. They hire models to show off their designs.