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You should take at least two showers a day one in the morning and one at night. But if you can't take a shower in the morning you should at least take one shower a day because its better that not taking a shower at all.

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You really only need to take one shower a day. Maybe if you work a job that really let's you sweat alot or something like that there is no need to shower more than one time a day. And some random info on the side: You really don't need to shampoo your hair everyday. Every other day is better for your hair because it will get the change to produce it's natural oils which will make your hair look better and make it healthier.

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When should you take a shower?

Some dermatologists only recommend a shower every other day, or two to three times a week. Many people hit the shower at least once a day, either in the morning or at night before bed. Depending on the day and your activity level, you might even take two or three showers.

When is the right time to take a shower?

When is the right time to take a shower? I will be happy to solve that. You see, if you don't shower at all, you will get lots of bacteria on your body, and nobody likes that AT ALL, right? If you take a shower WAY WAY WAY too much, you might wash away some things that can protect you. What I recommend you to do, is to take a shower today, and take a break from taking the shower tomorrow, but you will have to take a shower the day AFTER tomorrow. I hope you got it.

Is it normal not to take a shower or a bath for some time?

it is not normal... it is gross if you don't take a bath or shower for a long time because you will smell and be gross.

How much time does it take to fly from Vancouver directly to Chicago?

the time is how much time i take to take a shower

What happens if you take a 5 minute shower?

If you can get clean in 5 minutes that's all that counts. You should be able to take a 20 minute one before you run out of hot water. That's the only real time limit on the length of a shower.

Can a 2-year-old safely take a shower"?

No, a 2-year-old should not take a shower unsupervised due to the risk of slipping, drowning, or scalding. It is recommended that a parent or caregiver assist the child during bath time to ensure their safety.

What does it mean if your nipples itches?

It means its time for you to take a shower

I get smaller every time I take a shower - What am I?

You are a bar of soap!

How long should a baby shower last?

No time at all.

My roommate doesn't wipe after he goes number two if he is about to take a shower after. Can I get diseases from him doing this if I use the same shower?

no you should be fine.. as long as none of the fecal matter is in the bathtub or shower when you get in you should be ok.. if you are still concerned just rinse the shower or tub out before you get in next time but i think you should be ok because fecal disease is spread through direct contact with your bodily fluids as long as your not rolling in it i believe you should be fine

Can a 4-year-old safely take a shower on their own"?

No, a 4-year-old should not take a shower on their own as they may not have the necessary coordination and awareness to do so safely. It is recommended that young children be supervised during bath time to prevent accidents.

What is the best time of day to take a shower?

It depends on you and your schedule. Some people shower every morning, or every evening. Others will also shower before going out for the evening. Therefore there is no best time in general.