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Q: How many inches does human hair grow a year?
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How many inches does a human grow in a year?

On average, human hair grows approximately 1/2 inch per month leading to 6 inches per year.

How many inches does a human hair grows a month?

Human scalp hair normally grows at about 0.5 inches a month.

How many inches will your hair grow in 3 and a half months?

Your head hair will grow about half an inch per month, or 1.25 centimeters.

How many months does it take for hair to grow 3 inches?

6 months

How many inches does your hair grow in a year?

Your hair grows about 6 inches per year. That means it grows about a 1/2 an inch per month

How many month should you grow your hair for braids?

I have my hair about 4 inches past my shoulders. You could grow your hair until it reaches that length. Time wise, it depends on how fast your hair grows.

How many inches will your hair grow if you wash it once a week?

Hair grows on an average of 1/2 to 1 inch a month. Washing it will not make it grow faster. Each person is unique and their hair will grow at different speeds.

How many hairs grow on the human cancer patients head?

usually when you have cancer, all of your hair falls out, so they USUALLY have no hair

How long does pot last in hair?

Once hair is produced, it does not change.

How many centimeters does human hair grow in a month?

about .5 cm a month. but if your older it could be less.

How many inches does your hair grow a month?

The rate a person's hair grows in a month can differ depending upon their health. However, typically hair grows about half an inch in a month..

How many inches can a Jasmine flower grow?

It can grow 12 to 18 inches