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Q: How many faces does a cupid have?
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How many arrow have cupid?

there are two arrow in the back of cupid.

How many pages does The Headless Cupid have?

The Headless Cupid has 224 pages.

Why is there a picture of Cupid on many valentines?

SImply because Cupid is the god of Love.

How many words can you make from the word cupid?

Words that can be mad from the letters in 'cupid' are:cudcupdipIidpiup

Who did Cupid interact with?

Cupid interacted with many, including his mother, Venus, and his wife, Psyche.

How many pages does The Day I Shot Cupid have?

The Day I Shot Cupid has 208 pages.

Who cupid interact with?

Cupid interacted with many, including his mother, Venus, and his wife, Psyche.

How many faces does a rectangular have?

A rectangle has 4 faces: 2 long faces and 2 short faces.

When was Cupid - Cupid album - created?

Cupid - Cupid album - was created in 2001.

How many faces has a Decagon?

10 faces 10 faces

How many faces are in a circle?

no faces

Personality of cupid?

Cupid's personality was anything but angelic. He was quite mischievous and many of his deeds resulted in tragic endings for his victims.