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Go swimming right away just be sure to wash the piercings out once you are done for the day, be sure the pool is chlorinated.

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Q: How many days after you get your industrial bar pierced can you go in the pool?
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Can you go in a pool after you get your lip pierced?

Yes but rinse the piercing out once you are done swimming.

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Can you get in a pool the same day you get your belly button pierced?

No you have to wait 6 weeks with any peircing :)

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28 days.oana

Where is the shower?

A Shower can be located in a bathroom or in many cases in and industrial setting where employees can come into contact with dangerous chemicals or placed out side a swimming pool prior to entering the pool or leaving to remove chlorine or sand etc.

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A pool is a group of things or people that can be used as needed, such as a secretarial pool or a car pool. There are many cars available, but you only use the one(s) immediately needed for that day's job. A car pool is typically formed of the cars of various school parents who have agreed to drive all of the children in the pool to classes every few days (depending on how many parents are in the pool).

What is a good length of time to wait to go swimming in a pool after getting your cartilage pierced?

it honestly doesn't really matter, but just think of all the bacteria in the pool that can infect your piercing...just be careful!!

If you get your lip pierced and you play the trumpet will any air escape through the hole?

Ahh no, and you cant blow bubbles in the pool from the piercing with the jewellery out either.

How long does it take to fill a pool 2 gallons a minute?

My pool which is a small to medium sized pool took about 2 days.

How long should you stay out of water after getting your belly button pierced?

Sheets#1 says: When I got mine done they told me around 6 months (if you mean by a pool because of clorine)

How often would you need a pool maintenance person when you convert a chloride water pool to a salt water pool?

two or three days a week

You heard new pool water is green and turns blue in a few days is this true?

You have to treat pool water with pool chemicals and use a pool filter to get and keep the water clear.