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I only waited a week because the rings were too big to eat with, but, I've had no problems, lips heal very fast, you should be okay as long as you don't change it out all the time. If you put the stud in, leave it in for about a month

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Q: How long do you need to wear the original piercing which is a lip ring before you can switch it to a stud?
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2-3 months before the piercing can be submerged. You can go swimming now as long as the piercing doesnt get wet.

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After 6weeks you can take it out.

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The longer you leave the original jewellery in place the better, this material and jewellery design is intended to allow for easy cleaning and quick healing. Generally 3 to 6 months before you consider messing around with putting other questionable jewellery in the piercing.

How long do you have to wait after a lip piercing before you can go swimming in the lake?

You should wait atleast a month before going swimming. As a lake is full of bacteria. Unlike what the original person said ("a lip piercing heals in 10 days, not 2-3 months. hope i helped "), a lip piercing actually takes THREE-FOUR months to fully heal. Kbyeee, best of luck. And I hope you love your lip piercing as much as I do! ^_^

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It depends on how long you have had the piercing. if its new about a couple mins to an hour maybe depends on the body part you put the piercing. if you had it for a while it could take a couple days to close or a month

Can you keep the same post in your face after piercing?

Generally the original post is too long once the piercing heals, but if you want to you can stay with what you have, but changing the jewellery always looks better.

Will a piercing scar if you have only had it three months?

As long as there is jewellery in the piercing the piercing will not scar, it will form new tissue that makes up the piercing. If the jewellery is removed before the piercing is allowed to heal completely this tissue will join together and form scar tissue.

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one to three months

Is it normal to have bump next to a closed tongue piercing?

No Having any form of lump or bump next to a closed piercing indicates there is some form of issue with the piercing. This also depends on how long the jewellery has been out of the piercing and how long you had the piercing before removing the jewellery. If you develop any pain or discomfort seek the assistance of your doctor.

How long does it take for a piercing to close up?

It really depends on the type of piercing and long you've had the piercing.

How long before you can bathe your wrist dermal piercing with saline after its been done and how long do you keep it covered for?

2 weeks