maturity is usually at 2 years about.
they are fully locked earlier, but not fully mature.
this varies for the individual.
Newly formed dreads can take anywhere from a few months to a year to fully mature and tighten up, depending on your hair texture and maintenance routine. Regular maintenance, such as palm rolling and crochet hooking, can help speed up the process. Shake-out, or the dreads becoming firm and well-formed, is an ongoing process that can continue for several months as the dreadlocks lock and tighten.
6 months to a year
At least three or four inches is good to start with, but the longer they are, the better it is. African hair typicaly 3 inchs is enough. You can start dreading your hair when it is less than 10 centimeters (4 inches) long.
Round about 80-90 cm give or take : D
Boys can take out their dreads, if the situation requires them to. They can be taken away by shaving or if they are temporary, they can be undone.
He never had his hair in dreads it was braded
a nail takes about 100 days to fully grow.
dreads are awesome but it's a real commitment. only get dreads if you know you will still like them for at least a few months. you can take them out without cutting them, but it can be a lot of work to put them in and take them out and you will hate doing it.
5 hours
about 8 weeks
about a half hour