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Although fat is ingested through foods it is not secreted out of the body like any other ingested thing. It gets stored in the body and it is a useful energy storage. When need the body taps into its fat storage for some excess energy. It must be burned off by exercising or taken out surgically.

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15y ago

Along the walls of the small intestine are structures called villi, which absorb soluble products of digestion (e.g. amino acids and glucose) from the intestine into the blood. Inside each villi is a lacteal, and it's this which specifically removes the digested fats from the small intestine.

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there, I am studying health at college, and I found out the other day that fast leaves the body by your stool (Poo).

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Q: How does fat leave a person's body?
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How do you figure a persons total body fat?

You go by height and weight.

An apple shaped fat pattern increases a persons risk for?

Cardiovascular disease due to increased fat storage in the body.

Where does unused food leave the body?

It turns into fat

Does a persons weight have any relation to the percent of body fat?

Yes & no. Percent of body fat adds to your weight, but so does muscle. You could weigh 300 pounds and have 100% body fat, or a lot of muscle. See my point?

Can you go on a diet to lose belly fat effectively?

this depends on a persons body type, a simple diet will not reduce a persons belly fat by itself it must be accompanied by an appropriate amount of exercise

If someone was real big and they wanted to tae some fat out and give there fat to someone who needs some fat on there body could you transfer fat to another person body?

You can't transplant your fat cells into another persons body. In rare cases some identical twins can share there fat cells. You can transfer your fat cells from one part of your body to a new location on your own body.

Is weigh and cholesterol the best indicators for obestiy?

No. Obesity is classified by measuring a persons weight. The persons body fat percentage should also be considered.

What does fats your body?

DESTROYS IT. That's a lie, fat stores energy for later use. And the problem isn't really fat in a persons diet making him/her overweight/fat it's the sugar, SUGAR destroys you, not fat.

What method does fat leave the body?

Respiration or conversion to bile acids and excreation in feaces.

What happens to the body if stops weight training?

a persons muscle on their body will eventually turn into fat, and/or extra skin, all in all, you will lose all of what you have earned.

How long does it take sugar to leave body?

It takes sugar three to four hours to process in your body. You either burn it, or it turns to fat.

How long does it take sugar to leave the body?

It takes sugar three to four hours to process in your body. You either burn it, or it turns to fat.