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It affects us because its still used today and it makes you who you are by the clothes you wear. According to society

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Elijah Koch

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3y ago
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Q: How does fashion affect?
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Does music affect fashion?

Music can affect fashion through subcultures which are into a certain kind of music. For example, the punk movement was associated with a certain type of fashion.

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How did the desert storm war affect 1980's fashion?

it didn't

How did Elvis affect the fashion trends?

everyone started to wear grease in their hair.

How do fashion trends affect student?

I would have to say that fashion trends don't necessarily affect the students, because most fashion trends are made by them. Do you really see things on runways on teenagers. Runways are more for catching the eye of a rich person, and then luring them to their brand (which is usually not as crazy as the runways). Students are usually not as rich, and make their own styles and trends, so really they aren't affected by fashion trends, fashion trends are affected by them.

TV Affect On Fashion?

media does have great effects on fashion... through media fashion easily reaches out to people what ever they would like to say... and media plays a big role in affecting peoples life...

How did the Great Depression affect fashion?

no because the people did not dress according to the sound of the music.

How did World War 2 affect fashion in the us?

Helmets became more popular

How has fashion affect your social classes?

some times people can pay too much attention on what they are going to wear and guess what.....they are going to forget all about their social classes .......but it kind of depends how much they are worried about fashion it may not affect some people do you get me?

How did queen Victoria affect fashion?

she affected fashion because she wore the most elegant dresses and very amazing clothes and she did make up some rules about clothing

How does fashion affect society?

fashion is what makes the world these days. It's all about the new things that are coming out and if you are the type of person that fashion means so much to you then you go out and buy the new trends that are in the stores. fashion is what some peoples life is focused around and its so important to them..