

How do you tongue a guy?

Updated: 12/22/2022
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14y ago

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kay so you stick your hand in his mouth and pull his tounge out, then you put a lolly pop on it to make it taste good. then you make a cat bite it then you bang it. then you put it back in his mouth but make sure there's HAIR ON IT!

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14y ago
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yeah get another girl and kiss her on the first date ! (tongue to tongue) but it HAS to be at night !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it will be the best night of your life !

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yes it is possible to kiss/french kiss with a tongue ring. In fact the guy likes a girl with a ring.Answeryes it is possible to kiss/french kiss with a tongue ring. In fact the guy likes a girl with a ring.

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It means that he is gay or either he just felt like getting his tongue pierced(:

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unless the guy had a cold or common sickness, then no. but once tongue starts happening, mono could be caught

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Umm, kinda unsual.. Maybe he wants to see if she has a tongue piercing.. Or tongue length?! Rofl strange questions that boy is asking xD

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depends on how much tongue was involved