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First I applaud you for not wanting to use tapers. They are primitive stretching tools that cause damage to the inner fistula due to the fact that you are trying to overstretch, and can then tear or even completely split your lobe if you don't know what you are doing. Also, to use tapers takes away from the spirit and the whole intent of stretching your ears which is to be done slowly over the span of a life as opposed to walking into a piercing studio and requesting that your 00 Gauge ears be upgraded to around an 1 ½" usually by way of a scalpel or a dermal punch.

The best method to use is what is known as "tape wraps" wherein you will stretch your ears to an adequate size of around a 00 Gauge of which you will wear a plug in your ear of this size. You will then let this piercing heal adequately and then start to wrap just a few layers of tape around the plug about once a month. This will let your ears slowly adapt to the new size and you will be doing it by millimeters at a time which will be completely painless and problematic if you are doing it correctly. If your ears hurt at all when you are stretching them, they're simply not ready. Also to stretch your ears like this very much so minimizes the chances of "blowouts" on the back of the ear, in where the skin of the back side of the ear stretched around the plug will look puckered and bulbous as well as it prevents thinning the bottom of your lobe from stretching too fast, which makes the stretching an obvious rushed affair from someone not really committed to it. Depending on how big that you want to go, I always advise that you pierce your ears just below the shell of cartilage above the lobe. When you stretch, the skin of the lobe is pushed downwards, so the bigger you want to go, the higher the initial piercing has to be. The best tape to use by far is PTFE tape, which is usually sold to and referred to as "bondage tape". This is very good to use since it has NO adhesive to it whatsoever, but rather sticks only to itself and can be used over and over. The next best thing to use to this is Teflon tape.

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Q: How do you stretch your ears without a taper?
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You should get a professional to do it with a taper.

How do you put tapers-body jewelry in for the first time?

Tapers are used to stretch the ears, so if you have tapers close to the gauge that your ears are currently, grit your teeth and push it through until it gets to the widest end and put the rubber rings on the taper to keep it in place. If the gauge of the taper is NOT near what your ears are currently, I wouldn't suggest pushing it through. If you do, it could cause your skin to rip and bleed, or your ear to split entirely, resulting in a blowout.

What is it called when you get your ears cut for plugs?

you don't cut your ears to get plugs in. You use a taper (an earring that resembles a spike) to stretch the hole, then you put a plug in. you can buy tapers in places like hot topic or online. Just remember to start with a smaller taper and work your way up to a bigger one. Good luck. no you can also get your ears cut a relative of mine did. it's better because buying all those tapers cost a lot of money.

What is a taper?

A taper is when people put in those really big holes in their ears, they're like hoops for the inside of the ears.'Taper' has several meanings. It can mean a gradual decrease in width of an object, for example, or to diminish. It can also refer to a slender object used to light candles.

How can you open your tongue piercing hole?

Best not to mess with it your self, go see your piercer and for a small fee they can open the piercing using an insertion taper which will stretch the piercing without damaging it.

How much does it cost to gauge your ears if they are already pierced?

First off, you don't "gauge" your ears. You stretch them. If you say gauge around people who are serious about body mods (piercers esp) you'll sound like an idiot. Secondly, it's really inexpensive. Body Art Forms sells two taper kits. One has an acrylic taper($5) and the other had a steel taper($7). Besides the kit, all that you need is some type of lube and natural sea salt to soak your stretch. You can use extra virgin olive oil for the lube and a tub of natural sea salt is like $4 at walmart. I'll put the link for BAF for you. They also have a section about stretching so read up on that.

Can you stretch your ears with stone plugs?


Is it safe to stretch your ears when you have a blowout?

No it isn't.

How big can you stretch your ears to without causing permanent damage?

fact: * it only takes 5 pounds of pressure to take the ear off.

Do earrings stretch your ears?

only if their really big

Do gauged ears close?

Depends on how big you stretch to.

Do you have to have your ears pierced to have them streched?

Seriously. Think about what you are asking. How would you stretch a hole that doesn't exist? OF COURSE THEY HAVE TO BE PIERCED. Please do more research before you actually stretch your ears.