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Aloe and some kind of spray pain reducer.

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Q: How do you soothe burns from a straightener on your finger?
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Related questions

How do you make layered hair stay straight?

To make layered hair stay straight, use a straightener. It is important to not let the straightener get too hot, as this can cause burns, or can burn your hair.

What does a chef say when he burns his finger on the grill?


How can parents effectively use their finger to soothe a newborn baby?

Parents can effectively use their finger to soothe a newborn baby by gently stroking or rubbing the baby's cheek, forehead, or back in a slow and rhythmic motion. This can help to mimic the sensation of being in the womb and provide comfort to the baby.

What are some benefits of hydrotherapy?

Hydrotherapy can soothe sore or inflamed muscles and joints, rehabilitate injured limbs, lower fevers, soothe headaches, promote relaxation , treat burns and frostbite, ease labor pains, and clear up skin problems.

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What is the first second and third degree burn?

First degree is a a thin burn like when you barely touch your finger on a straightener or curling iron. Second degree is a little more serious and you get that when you burn your hand or something on a flame. And third degree are bad burns that you can get all over and you bleed and you have burns all over... my uncle lost his arm in a third degree burn when he was around my age (13) by accidentally touching a low power line that was by the pool.

What hair straightener does Miley Cyrus use?

Selena likes to use her Belhair Straightener. She says it is the best !!!!!!

What color is Liam Paynes straightener?

Liam's straightener is pink and named Aussie :)

What is a chi straightener used for?

The chi straightener is a type of straightener. It blocks out moisture and holds hair styles much longer than other brands do. With this straightener, even curly hair turns super soft and straight, as if your hair was naturally straight. The problem is that the chi straightener's price is on the high side, for about $99.

What is hair staighteners in German?

hair straightener = Haarglätter (literally meaning hair straightener)

What part of speech is soothe?

Soothe is a verb.

What is an Ion Hair Straightener?

An ion hair straightener is a straightener that changes the atoms in the hair to ions. This makes the hair smoother, sleeker and makes it look more healthy.