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What?...she is blonde..

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Q: How do you say she has blonde hair?
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What is the nicest hair colour to have?

i would say red or blonde for girls and brown or dirty blonde for boys.

How do you say i have blonde hair in french?

J'ai des cheveux blonds

How do you say long blonde hair?

de longs cheveux blonds

How do you say in french her hair is blonde?

Ses cheveux sont blonds.

How do you say blond hair in french?

Blond for a man, Blonde for a woman.

How do you say my hair is blonde in French?

Mes cheveux sont blonds.

What are Demeter's colors?

They say her gown is blue and her hair is golden blonde.

Did Evanna Lynch Dye Her Hair?

Yes. Her hair is naturally dirty blonde. But she had to dye it white-blonde for the harry potter movies! :PI think it's sort of funny she dyed it white-blonde because in the books they always say Luna Lovegood has dirty blonde hair!

Can an Indian have blonde hair?

No, but if you did married a person with blonde hair.. or in their family someone has blonde hair then you might have blonde hair... but strait Indian i think not... Save

Why do they say that your hair is blond when its brown some say its brown but most say its blond?

because in some lights you're hair may look blonde and in others it may have a brown look to it, but most of the time you're hair will be blonde because if it is brown you would know it. _______________ My clients who were blonde as a child have noticed that their hair has darkened quite a bit. Most of these people believe their hair now looks brown. As a hairstylist, I know that this dark blonde color is not brown. It is known as a level 6 blonde, but to someone that doesn't work in the industry, they are convinced their hair is brown. This probably explains the situation that you are experiencing.

How do you and where can you get the Blonde Secretary hair or the Blonde Intriguing hair on Fantage?

you can get the blonde intruging hair or the alva hair( the blonde secretary hair is called alva hair) in the vintage shop. the vintage shop is in uptown.

Why did Lady Gaga dye her hair blonde?

I think that only lady Gaga knows why she dyed her hair blonde. But alot of people say that she dyed her hair because she looked like Amy Winehouse.