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First of all you need to condition your hair, and avoid using heat on your hair until you can get a hair cut. Once your hair has been cut still avoid using heat for about a week to give your hair chance to gain back its natural oils. If you wish to continue heat styling your hair, maybe give it a break once or twice a week and use heat protection spray.

I've had the same problem myself, and already having short hair meant I didn't want it cut much shorter. I use:

Treseme heat protection shampoo and conditioner. And also the 5 minute deep conditioner also by treseme. They work brilliantly but I still have to give my hair a break every so often. :)

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Q: How do you repair burnt hair?
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1 month

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How can you fix burnt hair?

you must be patient, it will grow out, in the mean time use a good conditioner.Every time I showered when I had burnt hair, I used hair repair shampoo with aloe vera (or you can use aloe vera gel or anything with more than 50% aloe vera) and rinsed with ice cold water.

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If you mean the motor is burnt then the answer is no. It is not cost effective.

What should you do if your hair is burnt with very hot water?

there are a few things you should do. go get a mask for you hair. a good brand is kendra. it also matters what kind of hair you have. if you have thin hair, that hasn't been cut in a while, and you style it a lot then your kinda screwed. but if you have thick hair, or curly hair. or your Asian then you need to not wash, or style your hair for at least three days. let the natural oils repair your hair. when you do wash it, use a damage repair shampoo and get a nice leave in repair spray for after your done in the shower.

How do you repair burnt plastic laminate?

You can't

How do you fix burnt hair?

You can try a deep conditioning treatment which will help a little, but the best remedy for burnt hair is to have a good hair cut.

What happens when wool is burnt?

a smell of burnt hair comes, i think

How do you repair a burnt laminated paper?

You probably can't, but I'm not sure

WhY does a dogs hair crust?

Either you burnt it or it has something on it

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What should you sue for hair burnt by in store heater?

You can sue if you burnt your hair in a store if the owner was negligent. In order to win your case, you have to prove that it was the store owner's fault.