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You don't. Rancid smelling lipstick is usually due to to the product passing it's shelf life. It is best to dispose of lipstick after one to two years or if it starts smelling funky, as it may cause irritation. If one really wants to mask the odor, then perhaps essential oils may work, and chances are, the odor is conning from the entire product so it may be impossible to remove it.

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A thought...if your lipstick contains shea butter, it'll smell rancid because that's what shea butter smells like.

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Q: How do you remove rancid oder from lipstick?
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If it's extended-wear lipstick you'll need makeup remover, or vaseline. Regular-wear lipstick can just be wiped off.

How do you remove lipstick?

The easist way it just to remove it with a damp tissue or even a safe and not sented baby wipe. There are lipstick remover thigs you can get from stores but the cheepest and best way is what i said above!!

What are the health risks of wearing lipstick?

Some lipstick used to contain lead. If you put that kind of lipstick on and smack your lips, you might ingest the lead. Now companies are going out of their way to remove lead from their products.

What part of speech is rancid?

rancid is an adjective. here is rancid used in a sentence: Since the cheese was left in the refrigerator so long, it got rancid and we had to throw it out.

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To get lipstick out of clothes, you need to first soak the clothes in warm water. Use a stain fighter, such as Spray n Wash, on the lipstick and rub the cloth together. Then was in a machine. you may need to repeat.

Is rancid a verb?

No, the word "rancid" is an adjective.

Rancid in a sentence?

the food was very rancid

How do you remove red lipstick on metal braces?

Metal should not stain. You should be able to brush your teeth to remove everything on your braces.

How do you remove lipstick from carpet?

To remove lipstick from carpet, first scrape off excess lipstick using a dull knife or spoon. Then, apply a small amount of rubbing alcohol to a clean cloth and blot the stain, working from the outside in. Repeat until the stain is lifted, then rinse with water and blot dry.

How do you use the word rancid in a sentence?

Those chips are rancid!