straighten it.
you can either put in straight hair extensions or straighten your hair daily. After a while your hair should begin to get naturally straight
well some people, like me, are born with straight hair. other people have to straighten it.
straighten It with top quality hair straighteners Ghd's for exaple. :] And then use some decent hair sray to keep it like that! ;]
People can be born with straight hair. If your hair is not straight, there are styling tools that can help you straighten it. A flat iron is the best hair tool to help a person straighten their hair.
Weaves Are Not Forever. With Curly Hair You Can Straighten It & Add Straight Extensions OR Braid You're Whole Head & Have ALL Straight Hair Ontop.
My hair never stays straight when I straighten it . It always goes back to it's natural wave . . But; I finally found out how to keep it from doing that Hair Spray . . Lots . . Not on the top but the underneaths . Also, Blow dry and straight your hair at night . That helps too . . . Hope this helped!(:
Straight; The straight hair.
Don't straighten the part you don't want straight.
I would spray it with hair spray and straighten it with a flat iron.
Yes, you can! You can be scene any way at all, but they mostly straighten their hair and tease it to big (but not HUGE) proportions at the top. Remember to straighten slowly to keep it pin-straight.
straighten it. straight hair is MUCH better than curly hair. x :)