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Beautiful Face Very Quickly

1-Get your eyebrows professionally trimmed and give them the shape that most fits and flatters your face (consult a beautician or read a lot about that).

2-Designate the negative characteristics of your facial skin(e.g. acne,spots,uneven skin tone,excess of oil etc..) and try to eliminate them.In order to do so in just 4 days-if at all possible-you will have to seek professional help,and you will most probably need to undergoe chemical peel,unless your skin is amazing.You will have to apply masks,scrub or exfoliate,maybe get a facial at a beauty salon,and,of courseeeeeeeee,buy the PERFECT make up coverage in order to 1-cover up the things you will find unable to eliminate in just 4 days and 2-enhance your skin tone and the progress you will have achieved with bettering your facial skin.


This cannot be stressed sufficiently if you want/need very quick results.

However,in order to gain maximum,or even just an adequate amount of make-up's potential helpful use,you will need extensive knowledge about it.Do NOT listen to people who keep saying that all you need is some simple pink blush,some neutrally-colored eye shadow,some sheer lip gloss and two coats of mascara.This does most definitely NOT lead to a truly BEUTIFUL face.All I can tell you about make-up can be found on decently knowledgeable make-up sites.HOWEVER, one thing I can tell you from personal experience,and on which you will have to trust me,since most people oppose to it,is this.Heavy liquid black eyeliner(the waterproof/"plastic"type is much more practical than other sorts),if applied correctly AND in a manner that largens the eyes in as much subtle a way as possible,DOES MIRACLES to the face.I have been applying it for years now,and people get drawn to my eyes magnetically.Now,you might think,or be told,that they do so out of being negativelly shocked,but believe me,I have -through years of dealing with guys of all types- become able to differentiate between the different types of looks.The trick with this eyeliner-thing is the skillful application,and honestly it's rather tricky.If you do manage it,however,I can promise you jaw-dropping effects.Btw,and despite what many people WILL tell you,it does suit all skin-and eye colors and shades.

4-Get your lips exfoliated(try a mixture of honey and sugar,rubbing it with a not-so-gentle piece of cloth or towel),then highly moisturize them.Learn to apply lip liner(the same shade as your lipstick/lip gloss) in a way that helps the shape and fullness of your lips.Google the words lipstick and lip liner,and find a picture showing extremely luscious lips-the kind you imagine would drive men crazy,and try to look closely at how the lip lip liner and lipstick are applied.It might be helpful to watch a tutorial on YouTube,but make sure you look at the result from the start and be sure to like it,in order not to waste time on some ammateur mediocre application and result.If you have the money and/or are not against rather extreme methods,check if you would like to undergo a permanent lip liner(and lipstick) tattoo procedure.I am not American,so I do not know how much it costs in the U.S.,but if you can manage to get the money,and do not mind getting something permanent and invasive,I promise you the results will be astonishingly good(if you choose the right practitioner,ofc).

5-Whiten your teeth,if they need that,at a dental clinic if you can afford it,or at home with sodium bicarbonate and/or lemon juice/salt or with a medical whitening toothpaste like Depurdent.If you will choose the domestic method,be aware that,in order for it to yield noticeable results in only 4 days,you would have to apply "it" several times a day.Now,I am not entirely sure as to whether that may be a bit harmful to your teeth,but it would do the trick.If you have major deformities in your teeth,that may be fixed by a dentist,do so asap,since most(except for instance braces)can be gotton rid of rather fast.

6-Apply castor oil daily to your eyelashes,in order to enhance their length and thinkness,get an eyelash curler and learn how to use it properly,and buy a good mascara,and also learn how to use it well.After the 4 days have passed,and the castor oil has hopefully resulted in longer lashes,curl the latter with the curler and then apply your mascara.This should result in rather attractive-looking eyelashes,hence also more attractive eyes.

7-I am not a big fan of eye lenses,but if you find them ok,and find another eye color to be more attractive than yours,then go ahead and buy a pair.Be sure,however,that you are not allergic to them,and do know how to use them and keep them sterile clean,in order to avoid eye infections.As I have stated before,I find black eyeliner to be a AMAZING method for the creation of magnetic eyes.

8-If you have a distinctively large nose,you may try to understate it with a dark shade of make up.If it is very large,I doubt the make up would do you much good.In that case,I would suggest a rhinoplasty.Of course,many people would tell me to f- off,and tell you to accept yourself just the way you are.But I think I'm quite sure you would understand what I mean.Large ears can be hidden with the appropriate hairdo.Thin lips can be enhanced by lip liner and lip gloss,particularly bright-colored ones.Eyes can be made to appear larger with

1- growing lashes,curling them& using dark mascara

2-applying white or very light-colored eye shadow just above the lids

and below the eyebrows

3-trimming the eyebrows to throw the light upon the eyes themselves

4-shaping the eyebrows a bit high

5-applying eyeliner properly

6-applying light eye shadow/concealer/highlighter under the eyes

9-You MUST find the right hairdo for your face shape.The hair can frame the face in a manner that creates the illusion of a more attractively-shaped one.Moreover,hair framing the female face usually makes the latter seem more feminine,sexy,and,hence,attractive.In general,long,weavy,natural-looking hair has been proved statistically to be more attractive than shorter or iron-straight hair.How can you achieve that in 4 days? The length,obviously,and unfortunately,only through extensions.

10-Forget about this always-smile-bullshit.A confident look in your eyes,that says"I am queen of this world"but does not go as far as saying"I own you all,you bitches" does wonders.People get instinctively drawn to confidence-exuding people.The black eye liner helps greatly in this department,but you cannot look all doll-eyed and boring if you wanna carry that look withought seeming like an imposter.

11-Talking about how beauty,particularly that of the face,is all"subjective, think about which celebrity,for instance,you consider to be beautiful-faced,keep looking at many pics of her from different positions and angles,and try to figure out what you think makes her so attractive in your opinion.Then,if you think it is something that would look good on you as well,simply mimic it.That certainly sounds passive and characterless,but do not forget that you will have many other resources,and will have to absorb the attitude,if you are looking to transcend beautiful and transform it into attractive.

12-Symmetry is genetically proven to be a key element of biological attractiveness.Make up helps enhance it and correct the lack of it.

13-Always know,no matter how many people tell you otherwise,that sexiness is just as important as,if not a key part of,and/or more important than beauty.I have seen girls that lack conventional beauty,but because they possess full lips,eyes that subtly display that infamous bedroom-look,and if not conventionally "cute"then sexy facial features,transform most guys into drooling- Neanderthals.

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