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wash it in luke-warm water until the water run clear. then put conditioner on because it'll close the hair cutcles and keep the colour in. dont use shampoo, it'll just make whatever dye you put on come out.

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Q: How do you get the extra hair dye out after dying your hair?
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What is the homophone for dying?

dying, death or a dye for your hair.

How do you get purple hair?

U can get purple hair by dying it with hair dye

Is there dye for arm hair?

Answer:They make hair dye. Arm hair is hair. Therefore, by deductive resoning, there is dye for arm hair. Dying arm hair is popular in Cambodia and Laos

Is hair dying good for hair?

It is depending on what hair dye you get. Make sure not to dye your hair to many times in a month or it may damage your hair.

What are the instructions for dying your hair black?

The instructions are inside the box of hair dye.

What are the benefits of dying your hair?

dying hair changes the texture of the hair making it more manageable and usually people dye hair to look younger.

How do you tell your parents you want to dye your hair?

Just ask your parents about dying your hair.

Can you use wiki wiki fabric dye to dye your hair?

No. Fabric dye is designed specifically for fabric. It may contain ingredients that can damage your hair or cause scalding or kill your roots (causing hair loss). Use proper hair dye for dying your hair.

Can I use hair dye in the first trimester of pregnancy?

I wouldn't dye your hair because the fumes that hair dye puts off are very bad. i would wait till after the baby is born before dying my hair.

What color dye would you use for black hair?

Whatever color you want the hair to be after dying it.

Can you scratch your scalp before dying your hair with a dark n lovely hair dye?


What is dye?

dying your hair is when you change the color of your hair. so say your hair is blonde, then you can dye your hair a color either a shade lighter or darker or you can do a bold color or something new for a change! but dying your hair can be a bit challenging doing it by yourself and it does damage your hair a little bit. but if you want to I suggest you get professionals to do it!