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What not to do is brush it frantically hard because that can make it worse. Instead, gently tease bits of hair knotted away, strand by strand. Gently use a comb tohelp untangle the knot. Be gentle and patient. Also spraying it with a detangler will help unreil the knot. Use water if you have no detangler.

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Q: How do you get rid of really bad knots in your hair?
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How do you get rid of knots in your hair?

Try rinsing your hair with a few tablespoons of milk. it untangles hair naturally

Should you put water in hair?

Yes you should because if you wash your hair it gets rid of Grease and knots.

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only brush your hair once, to get rid of all the knots, then leave your hair to air-dry.

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If they are really bad, you should get help from a doctor.

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Shaving or waxing. Tweezers if your partner is really bored.

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you should try herbal essence shampoo it did wonders for my hair it REALLY works!

Why should you brush your hair regularly?

I guess to get everything bad out your hair , its bad when you over do it. it also depends on the brush. brushing tends to tear hair which is bad. combing through your hair with your fingers is supposed to be better for it. or use a wide toothed comb. It Also gets rid of the dust out your hair.

What are the disadvantage if you use shampoo?

There aren't really any disadvantages to using shampoo but it is bad if you use it too much. Washing your hair too frequently is unhealthy for your hair because washing your hair gets rid of the natural oils produced from your body that it needs to stay healthy.

Do selsun blue help hair grow?

Well when i was in 3rd grade i had gotten dandruff really bad so my mom got selsun blue and my hair was long already but it kinda does because it is getting rid of the dirt and giving you plently of moisture which pretty much feeds your hair.

How do you get rid of knots in your ear lobes?

Did these knots appear where you've had your ear pierced? Some people, usually people of color, get knots or lumps on their earlobes called Keloids. Some have reduced the size of these knots with steroid injections. Check with your doctor.

How do you get rid of burns from a hair straightner?

Burns on Hair: Since hair is dead, you really can't do much depending on the burn. You will most likely have to let it grow out and cut it. Burns on skin: My best friend burned her wrist and still has a mark from it, and she burned it 2 years ago. I suggest aloe when you first burn it, unless it is really bad, then you should see a doctor. But I hope you are more careful than that! :) Obviously, you can't get rid of your skin, unless the skin peels away, or you can use a scar-removing cream.

What is a home remedy to get rid of a perm?

Well You're pretty much stuck with it for a few months. You can get it chemically straightened, but it's really bad for your hair. I used to wash blow dry n straighten my hair at night when i had a person so it would be easier to do in the morning before school/work. :)