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take off the face paint ... make up remover will help :)

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Q: How do you get rid of clown lips?
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How do you get rid of the clown in the Sims?

You can not get rid of the clown unless you move, sorry. Make sure when you buy your house you do not buy the sad clown picture. (scary huh?)

How can you get rid of scars on your lips?

To get rid of scars on the lips, some people recommend Vitamin E oil. Other solutions are laser treatments and dermabrasion.

How can you get rid of swollen lips after kissing?

Ice them for about 20 minutes.

How do you get rid of black lips from weed smoking?

Why would you want to get rid of lip and mouth cancers - aren't they cute. STOP SMOKING!

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Go to timmies with Parsa and do a special ceremony by binding the lips together

How do you get rid of black a ring around your lips?

after you have licked your make sure you get some blistex and put it on and around your lips. it will be gone in 2 weeks or maybe even longer but it wont take that long.

how to make a clown costume?

To create a clown costumes, you can first put them in an oversize clothing. Try to make the clothes more colorful as well as their accessories. Don't forget to buy them a pair of clown shoes. Then you can paint their face white, their nose red and, their lips big and high eye brows. The last thing you need to do is have your kid wear a bright red wig.

What causes dark spots on the corner of your lips?

You could also apply lemon juice to the corner of your lips daily, it will help. Apply Vaseline to your lips regularly. Ghee is also very good, apply a little ghee every night. This keeps lips moisturised.

How do you get rid of a zit mustache?

Don't lick your lips and put loads of antiseptic lotion on the spots before you go to bed.

How can you get rid of dark area upper lips?

to get pink lips jst mix little sugar wit sum butter & apply on ur lips for 1/2 an hr. if ur upper lip is dark apply butter every nite.( butter without sugar)

What actors and actresses appeared in Clownation - 2011?

The cast of Clownation - 2011 includes: Lily Aceto as Clown Dara Anissi as Clown Beth Bannister as Clown Rich Benjamin as Clown Lauren Cator as Clown Arlo Chappel as Clown Sheri Delia as Clown Emily Dilger as Clown Katie Faley as Clown Madeline Galac as Clown Eldred Harris as Clown Marty Heresniak as Clown Cassandra Hoebbel as Clown Tom Hoebbel as Clown Joan Hoebbel as Clown Chris Hoebbel as Clown Punita Junega as Clown Rich Kaske as Clown Nora Lang as Clown Diana Leigh as Clown Cresten Mansfeldt as Clown Justin McGuire as Clown Alex Michaluk as Clown Amy Michaluk as Clown Matthew Milmer as Clown Eliud Nieves as Clown Lindsey Perigo as Clown Kate Pike as Clown Matthew Rendina as Clown Elle Rought as Clown Jody Schwan as Clown Gir Session as Clown Sarah Short as Clown Joseph Simonis as Clown Josh Teeter as Clown Peter Van Do as Clown Susan Villarreal as Clown Caroline von Dahl as Clown Evan Wray as Clown Pamela Zimmer as Clown

What is an easy way to paint a clown face?

An easy way to paint a clown face is to apply white foundation to your face and then outline the shape of your facial features in black. Then, paint your lips red using red lipstick and trace your eyebrows with a makeup pencil. Finish up by painting red circles on your cheeks.