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It might be a scar so it might not go away.

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Q: How do you get rid of blade deep cut mark on skin?
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The force required to break the skin depends on how sharp the sharp blade is and where on the body you are cutting, also on the age of the person being cut.

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For the record I am not a doctor; however, I do believe that a superficial cut is considered a surface cut meaning a minor cut not serious. For instance, a cut on your finger from a knife that is not deep without any veins, tendons, or bone cut is a superficial cut. A superficial cut is a non emergency cut one that is close to the surface of the skin. Save

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a deep cut that heals over and leaves a mark known as a scar

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An incision is a cut made in surgical operation

Is The skin is a complex organ?

Yes it is. The skin is the largest of all human organs. Skin has the ability to protect your body and can repair itself when injured, unless it is a deep cut or burn

I had deep blisters on my feet and they popped so I pulled the skin away What can happen and what should I do?

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