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i dnt think u need one from wat i understand my cousin didnt have to have one when he got his so no i dnt think u need one.

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your local health dept.

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Q: How do you get a tattoo liscens?
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yes but you have to prove residense for that state and the liscens you get will be good in Tennessee if you get caught driving in the state that you were suppended in even if you have a liscens for another state you will get a ticket for driving suspended because your driving privilages are suspended for that state

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under 18 do not need a liscens. this was several years ago.

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Yes. If you are working, not playing no officer will bother you. Exceptions are made for farm equipment.

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You teach Vaan and every other playable character magick with the Liscens Board. You also have to buy magicks to use them.

Does Zac Efron have his driving liscens?

Duh! He is 21! What 21 year old doesn't have their drivers liscens? Besides don't you see him driving all around Hollywood? I do. First answer is right. But there's proof. In April 2010, he was ticketed for a moving violation. The cop had to check his driver's license, which means Efron had to have one; otherwise, he wouldn't have been allowed to drive away.

What do you call a place where you can get a tattoo?

Tattoo shop, tattoo parlor

What is a Texas tattoo?

A texas tattoo can be of two thingsA tattoo you got in TexasA tattoo you got about Texas

Can a man have a unicorn tattoo?

A man can have any tattoo that he wants. If he wants a unicorn tattoo, then he can get a unicorn tattoo.

Where can someone get a butterfly tattoo?

You can get a butterfly tattoo at any local tattoo artist shop. This tattoo is the most common tattoo and you will find many examples of the artwork on the wall and in the tattoo artist's portfolio.

How do you spell tattoo?

That is the correct spelling of the plural of tattoo, which is tattoos.