What kind of jewelry do you have?
Lip piercings aren't anchored, so it shouldn't be too difficult.
If you have a labret, you should be able to twist off the external jewelry [just hold on to the back end so it doesn't just rotate in your lip].
If it's not a twist off, you usually just have to pull the front jewelry away from the post..
Be careful though, new internally threaded labrets can be hard to pull apart and you don't want to hurt yourself.
Usually your piercer will take it out for free if you go back to them.
And capture bead loops usually come apart just by separating the loop away from the ball so the ball falls off and you can just slide it out.
I'm surprised you weren't told this when you got it pierced, if you did. It is as simple as putting it in, if you watched your piercer put it in for you. The ball on the outside screws on to the post, so just as it goes on, it will screw off. You can then take the post out from the back and insert a new one, or whatever it is you plan on doing.
Easy, YOU DON'T! You are supposed to go to the doctor 7-10 days after the stitches were put in. At this time, the doctor examines the wound and determines if has healed enough for the stitches to be safely removed. The doctor may determine that the wound is infected and the stitches need to stay in until the infection is gone.
For your upper lip, Left is a monroe piercing. The bottom lip could just be a lip piercing, or labret piercing.
14g is normal for a male lip piercing, 16g is normal for a female lip piercing.
Yea,i have a lip piercing and it does that do its natural
It means that he wanted a lip piercing :)
Having a piercing on the side of your lip :3
up to you i would say lip though
It's a center lip piercing, it means it's a center lip piercing, nothing more nothing less.
A lip piercing hurts worse. nose is more cartilidge and has less nerves than the lip.
14g to 16g is normal for a male lip piercing, 16g to 18g is normal for a female lip piercing.
Hannah Montana is Miley Cyrus. Miley Cyrus currently has a nose piercing, but not a lip piercing.
In upstate New York, the price range for lip piercings was 40$ - 60$.
Labret is Latin for "lip" , a labret piercing was defined as a centerline lower lip piercing placed just below the center of the lower lip, they jewellery designed for this piercing is called a Labret stud a flat back stud with a removable top, screw on ball.A labret piercing in a piercing between the center of the lower lip and chin.