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You do a really big side parting and then get an amount from almost at the front of your head, pull it towards the side of the most hair, but make it pull upwards a little bit, then you plait normally (or french plait) pulling to the side all the way, and then when its at the end grip it with a hair pin, so you cant see the pin well and then you shake your head so it falls naturally, and then you are done :) xx hope this helps :) <3

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Q: How do you do a plait in the middle of your hair so it looks like one of those fake plaited hairbands?
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Related questions

Is the plait hair spelled plait?

Like 'plaited,' yes.

What is a weave of hair called?

Well it depends on whether it is plaited or if it is a single, plaited is a plait single is a strand and a a big bit is a clump, did this answer??

How do you write a sentence using the word plait?

I plaited my hair into a neat braid for the party.

How do you make a plait hair stlye?

Plaited hair normally means braided hair.

Where can you buy those plait hairbands?

well anywhere really ! in shops like asda, tesco,other supermarket and just like hair shops and beauty shops like clair's.

What is plaited fibers?

Plaited fibers are multiple strands of fibers that are interlaced or woven together to create a flexible and durable material. This technique is commonly used in making items like baskets, mats, and certain types of textiles. Plaiting can create different patterns and textures depending on the method used.

What is a scalp plait?

A scalp plait is where the hair has been tightly plaited to the scalp. For example a french plait is a Scalp plait or cornrows. These on scalp plaits are mostly used in black peoples hair and is very popular in salons in the Uk. These plaits can only be used on certain faces so that it would suit the person who wants the plait. Such as.. a white person who has a round face would suit a french plait or a skinny white girl with an oval face would suit cornrow. But cornrow is mostly used on Black people's hair.

How do gypsies steal horses?

They put a small plait in the mane of the horse. Usually, they'll get another gypsy to get back later that night to feel the horses to see which have been marked/plaited and they then steal them. If you own a horse and you find a plait in your horses mane, take it out straight away.

Can You Make Thick Hair Wavy Or Not And how do you make it wavy?

Yes you can; just take a shower and leave your hair wet and plait into too and then go to bed and in the morning take out the plaited and you'll have beautifull wavy hair Hope this helped x

Who invented a plait?

Hair plait or pleat/plait?

What is a off scalp plait?

it is a plait that is of the hair, it hangs, for example a fishtail plait or just a normal plait, and scalp plaits is cornrows and french plait and angel plait, hope this helps

What is a fish braid?

It is a type of plait which looks like a fish's tail, also known as the Herringbone or Fish bone.