Fill them with nail polish remover, by pulling the brush partway out and pouring the remover down the brush post, or by using a tiny funnel. Let them sit an hour or so, swish the brush around to loosen old polish, then pour the remover out. Repeat as necessary until they are clean. If you are having difficulty getting the caps off (really old bottles!), soak the unopened bottle in remover until the cap can be turned.
The nail polish is a very old material used also in antiquity, thousand years ago.
Yes you can use nail polish remover to thin out thickened nail polish. I do it all the time to thin out even the rock hard nail polish that i found under the couch that was years old. All you need to do is pour a little in the nail polish depending on the hardness wait a little while and you got nail polish you can use. When ever I do this it still always kepps its shine.
You could remove nail polish by using nail polish remover, or make your own DIY nail polish remover You could go search something up on Google, and YouTube helps too.
In the old days, it was used to show the richer people.
Nail polish, it makes finger nail beautiful for events, but there is another side that is rarely though about. Nail polish is alright to use to an extent. If you wear nail polish to long then your nails may become yellow or turn a different color. Mine almost did after a manicure. Just use caution and remember not to leave it on for too long such as 2 or more weeks. -Eugenie
Paint on a new layer of polish. wait 20 seconds and then wipe off with an old washcloth or some other material besides cotton. repeat as necessary.
Well, I think you mean by getting nail varnish off your nail. there are some various steps run the nail under a warm tap and as your nail gets 'used' to the water, gentally try and scratch it with another nail from the other hand. Although, this could be very tiring and uses quite a bit of time, it does work.
Nail polish is an old remedy for mending runs in stockings. But with stockings being so cheap you might as well buy a new pair.
Vinegar works well!
Slap yourself in the back of the head for letting her have access to nail polish remover in the first place (this stuff does nasty things to the liver with long periods of contact). Second sit her down and teach her how to clean her piercings and jewellery properly, using soap and water on the piercings, soap and water then soak the jewellery in 70% alcohol before putting them back in. Parental supervision is a requirement when using alcohol or any other harmful products (nail polish and nail polish remover).
There is no right or wrong answer to this. It depends on whether or not the girl wants nail polish in the first place. Nail polish is appropriate for all females, and it often enhances one's self-view. Often, parents do not want their daughter's nails painted because she will pick the nail polish off, or she looks too mature. It is a personal preference.