lots of mascara!! eyeliner.
Try learning how to wingtip your eyeliner. You can search for "how to" videos in utube. Then apply eyeshadow like you would if you were trying to have "smokey" eyes.
dark eyeliner
Its when an 'emo' doesn't have the right hair and doesn't wear eyeliner/skinny jeans etc and walks around be 'depressed' melodramatically.
They put on their MCR and Jimmy Eat World MP3s and apply a lot of black eyeliner, super bright color shadow, and black mascara. Guys either use black shadow or none at all, but you're not emo without mascara and lined eyes. (And if they have to ask what MCR stands for, they're not emo yet but they could be.)
Just above your lowerlashes is your waterline. Apply the eyeliner carefully. Make sure that it is waterline safe and that you don't poke your eye with it. You can also apply it to your upper lashline. Eyeliner adds definition to your eyes.
Wear a thick layer of black eyeliner and a lot of heavy black eyeshadow.
lots of black eyeliner.
I personally do not know about this "Bloody Mary" but I know how Emo's go. Emo's would often have black eyeliner and some with cut wrist. They would wear Black and tight jeans, so if Bloody Marry wears any of these, then Yes. She is officially Emo.
Eyeliner or guyliner whatever you want to call it and black nail polish works some emos wear blue and pink eyeliner but you should stick with black.
Impossible, emo is a way of life, it's a way of thinking. An influence on your music, appearence, attitude, sense of humour, taste in things, emo isn't just lots of eyeliner, black hair and serious faces.
Eyeliner or guyliner whatever you want to call it and black nail polish works some emos wear blue and pink eyeliner but you should stick with black.