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If plain old soap and water aren't doing the trick, then try soaking the area with hairspray and rubbing the marker-ed area gently with your fingers.

Rub it with baby oil, then soap and warm (not hot) water.

Rubbing alcohol does the trick. It may dry out your skin but if it does just dab a little lotion on your skin.

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11y ago
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9y ago

to get sharpie off your skin use rubbing alcohol. also wait, and scrub.

also use hair spray, axe deoderant, mint breath spray
A little bit of acetone on a cotton swab should do the trick. (You can find acetone in nail polish remover).

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15y ago

REMOVEEZ. It's this product we found and it really works. My kids were so tired of my wife and I calling them into the bathroom to scrub off the temporary tattoos they got from the parties we went too over the weekend. Finally, a friend suggested we try this stuff called REMOVEEZ. Well we tried it and wow, it worked great. No complaining from the kids about scrubbing and after about a minute of rubbing with just our finger tips the tattoos were gone and not even a red mark was left.

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12y ago

There are a lot of ways to remove a tattoo but to remove it without side effects... Now that is a different story. I have a web page for you check it out. Then consider not trying something like this again

Good Luck

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12y ago

Use a magic eraser and rub on skin until it is off. Works every time!

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15y ago

by going though: # a lot of pain like when you got the tattoo # paying a lot of cash!! # (Not a joke!!!) If you would like to make a note wright it here: #

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Q: How can you remove tattoo's?
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Can you remove tattoos with scrubbing?

No you cannot remove tattoos by scrubbing. It is permanent. You can only remove it by Surgery or Laser

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Is wrecking balm a safe way to remove tattoos?

Wrecking balm us used to remove the tattoos. This is a safe way of removing the tattoos as it hurts less than other tattoo removing systems

Can goat milk remove tattoos?

With goat milk itself, no. Especially on permanent tattoos, definitely not. On removable tattoos (ones you apply water on to get on your skin) probably.

Can you have piercings or tattoos as a radiologist tech?

you can have piercings and/or tattoos in most any job, but to be respected as a professional it is a good idea to remove your piercings and cover your tattoos while at work

How is laser surgery used cosmetically?

it can remove wrinkles, birthmarks, or tattoos.

How many sessions will I need to remove my tattoo completely?

Every individual and tattoo is unique, so the number of sessions required to remove a tattoo can vary greatly. On average, it can take anywhere from 6 to 12 sessions to remove a tattoo completely. Certain factors affect the number of sessions required for Tattoo Removal Melbourne, which include: ● Tattoo size: Larger tattoos generally require more sessions to remove than smaller tattoos. ● Ink colors: Multi-colored tattoos may require additional sessions to remove all colors completely. ● Skin type: The color and thickness of your skin can affect how many sessions you will need to remove your tattoo. ● Ink depth: Tattoos that were applied deeply into the skin may require more sessions to remove than tattoos that were applied superficially. ● Location on the body: Tattoos located on areas of the body with more blood flow, such as the arms and legs, may be easier to remove than tattoos located on areas with less blood flow, such as the fingers and toes. The best way to determine the number of sessions required to get Laser Tattoo Removal Melbourne would be to schedule a consultation with a reputable laser tattoo removal specialist.

Where can one get bad tattoos fixed?

One can do a few things to get bad tattoos fixed. A person could go to another tattoo artist and get advice on how to make the tattoo look better. Another way is to ask your doctor for names of those who remove unwanted tattoos.

which monster tatoo stickers are easy to remove by water?

There are quite a few sites that have some temporary tattoos. has one of the bigger selections of little monster tattoos that will wash off with soap and water.

Does tatto removal cream really remove tattos?

Tattoo removal cream does really remove tattoos. But beware which one you choose. Some only remove colors, while others aim to remove the full tattoo.

What are some painless techniques to remove tattoos?

The most painless way is probably to cover the tattoo with another tattoo.

Can you be forced to get a tattoo removed?

It would depend on what your consider 'force', and who is applying that force. You can be denied employment for tattoos, but that does not force you to remove them.