

Best Answer

ropetwists allow you not to interfere with your when you dont bother it;it causes your hair to grow naturally

you keep it in like 4-6 weeks

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Q: How can you grow your hair with rope twist?
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Does twist make your hair grow faster?

yes twist makes your hair grow longer and if you keep your hair tied down and use hair grese like dont be bald hair grese is the perfect way. the most best twist that makes your hair grow is two-stranded twist and box braid and kankelon weave and regular conrows.Or you can use shampoo and moisturize it for 3 minutes and it stimulates hair growth.

How does the us use natural resources for trade?

For example: Plant cotton. Grow cotton. Sell raw cotton. Take out the seeds, sell seedless cotton. Twist seedless cotton into string, sell string. Twist strings to make rope, sell rope.

What is a synonym for String?

twist, rope

When you twist and twist rope around your neck what happens how long for death?

When you twist rope around your neck you cut off the blood and oxygen supply to your brain. You would most likely faint before your death, and the rope would fall.

Does Nubian twist make your hair grow?

yes it does but be very careful when you take them down especially when its your edges

What is a hair twist?

Hair that has been twisted

What is the best hair to do kinky twist?

dreaded hair

What does twisting your hair mean?

to get a piece of hair and twist it

How do you do a French twist?

You can watch how to do a french twist by typing in how to french twist hair on video jug.

How are in grown hairs caused?

Whan the hair follicle gets blocked, the hair can curl and make a coil. If the hair cannot grow any further because of the blockage, its called a blackhead. When you shave with a multiple edged razor, the hair can be pulled out a little and when cut, go back below the skin. When this hair continues to grow, it can curl and twist and become an ingrown hair as well.

What is French twist?

A french twist is just like a french braid, you just twist the hair instead.