You want to avoid needlessly messing with oral piercings until they are healed, this can be 3 months to 6 months and then they can be subject to tearing if you are too rough changing the jewellery.
I played the trombone and I think it would be rather hard to get the correct vibrations from your lips if you had the snakebite. Even if you could still play it would take a few months until you were healed enough to even attempt.
Yes, but it wouldn't be a good idea until after they're healed. It would also depend on the surgery. Piercings can lead to infections and you don't want an infection on top of a compromised immune system.
If the piercing is a new piercing, you need to wait until the original piercing is healed before you get into stretching. Stretching involves starting with a seasoned and healed piercing and working up one gauge at a time once every 30 days until you reach the gauge you want. Going faster than one gauge every 30 days or skipping over a gauge will result in permanent tissue damage and piercings that won't return to normal if the wearer chooses to revert the piercings.
I have one client who is up to 4 piercings in one navel, looks cool.
Only if it isn't finished healing. Acrylic(plastic) is very porous so it absorbs moisture and bacteria which isn't good. Just wait for at least 3-4 months or until it's completely healed.
Until its healed !
8 to 12 weeks.
About 2-3 weeks if it's cleaned regularly and well maintained. When my wife got her nose pierced, she cleaned it at least twice a day using a product for ear piercings, and it healed in about two weeks. You'll want to avoid cleaning the site with alcohol or hydrogen peroxide until the wound is healed completely as this will actually slow the healing process. Good luck!
Yes... But not recommended until after it's healed.
Until the stitches are taken off and healed.