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The splendor of beauty.

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Q: Example of a metaphor for beauty?
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How can beauty be used as a metaphor?

A metaphor for beautiful could be... You're a daffodil.

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The moon is a balloon This phrase is an example of?

a metaphor, as it compares the moon to a balloon to convey a sense of lightness, beauty, or whimsy. Metaphors use comparison to create imagery and evoke emotion in the reader or listener.

What is a example of a metaphor in Romeo and Juliet act two?

One example of a metaphor in Act 2 of Romeo and Juliet is when Romeo refers to Juliet as the sun, saying "But, soft! what light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Juliet is the sun." In this metaphor, Romeo is comparing Juliet's beauty and presence to the brightness and warmth of the sun.

What is an example of metaphor in Miracles by Walt Whitman?

The poem itself is a metaphor. It doesn't have any specific ones in it. He is basically saying that the world is a miracle, which is a metaphor that covers the whole poem.

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Pablo Nerudas phrase that an onion is a rose of water is an example of which kind of figurative language?

The phrase "an onion is a rose of water" is an example of metaphor, where an onion is being compared to a rose through the symbol of water. It suggests that the layers of an onion hold a beauty and depth similar to that of a rose.

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What are the example of metaphor?


Will you Please gave me some example of metaphor?

"I am a rainbow" is a example of metaphor because it is comparing two nouns, a person, and a rainbow, but does not use like or as. "I am not anger" is an example of metaphor because it is contrasting two nouns.