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er.. yeah. O_o

Edit: No, Not might get a blueish tint when under light but will just look dark most of the time....which can actually be quite cool (the subtleness)

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Q: Does turquoise dye show up in dark brown hair?
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What color hair does Freya have in witches of east end show?

On the Witches of East End show, Freya has dark brown hair.

Does blue kool aid show up in dark brown hair?

only if it has been bleached.

Would dark blue look good in dark brown hair?

I would think so. But personally I like the red color highlights in a girls hair. I think it looks sexier. i've got dark brown hair, n put dark blue highlights in.....doesnt show up at all unless u bleach it 1st

You have dark brown hair and you want highlights what color should you get?

I just went to get my hair done last Friday and i got highlights. The color i got was a carmel.(It's kind of like a mixture of brown and blonde.) It looks natural and believe me you would see a difference but it would still blend in. ;) I have dark brown hair and my hair stylist said that blonde highlights do not look good on dark brown hair. She said that the bright red or light pinks would look great because they don't show up as bright because the hair is so dark

What is Rihanna's real hair color?

ShonaDarlyn_xXrihanna hair colour is black i knew her back in barbadoes and it was dark brown blackish

Your hair is brown do you have to bleach it then dye it a dark red or can you just dye it?

depending on how dark your hair is and what dye you use, you may or may not have to. if its a lighter to medium brown and the red your using is dark-ish, then you should be fine. it should show on the box what colour it'll end up like, but it chances are it wont be very bright red. if your hair is dark, the red wont be very noticable. if you want bright red, then you should bleach your hair.

Will sky blue dye show up in chocolate brown hair?

no, you have to bleach your hair for it to show in your hair

Which color is used to show mountain on a map?

dark brown

Will a red streak show up in really dark brown hair?

Well yeah, if you choose a bright enough red and you get it done at a decent place... :)

If you want to dye your hair how do you match hair color with skin and eye colors?

Well, generally you don't have to match the color with your eyes, but if you have very fair skin, I don't recommend dark hair, like dark dark blackish brown. If your brunette, do NOT go blonde... but just do what looks best. Normally on the side of the package it will show what your hair looks like after you die it, so go from there.

Does Raw color hair dye work on dark hair?

Typically, it doesn't. Dark hairs such as dark brown or black don't show well with lighter colors or unnatural colors (such as blue, pink, or green). To get the color you want, your hair stylist typically has to bleach your hair (mild-intense), then color your hair to what you'd like. This is not done in a single session, you'd have to return over the course of a few weeks to avoid over processing and damaging your hair. Of course, this all depends on which color you'd like and how dark your hair is

What is Emma Watson real hair color?

As per her younger photographs, which show a mousey brown hair colour and the (former, natural) colour of her eyebrows, she is a natural dark brunette. She has had a habit of highlighting it since a young age.