The cherry trees are beginning to blossom, filling the air with their delicate scent.
you give the dog the scent and they can know the scent of the animal the master is ordering him to find
No, you can use them just as a stuffed animal if you want- I have several of them and usually only one at a time has a scent in it.
Maybe they need glasses
Cyanide has a bitter almond smell that is often described as similar to the scent of marzipan or cherry kernels.
They are attracted to the scent of banana so if your animal smells anything like bananas their is a possibility that they will get on your animal.
It could be apple cinnamon medley or magnolia and cherry blossoms. The apple scent is actually clear, but has a reddish package. Magnolia and cherry blossom is a pinkish color. The web site describes it as "A precious fragrance blend of cherry and magnolia blossom combined with elegant jasmine and apple notes."
Butterfly Flower is a pretty scent very smooth and creamy. Rain-Kissed Leaves a sweet smell of a forest very light. Cucumber Melon a combination between cucumber and melon so sweet one of my favorites. Sea Island cotton if you love the beach you'll love this cool scent. Cherry Blossom a sweet smell of a cherry tree. Bath and Body work products
The scent made by the prey would trick the predator into thinking that the prey isn't there, so if the prey "isn't there" the predator can't attack it. :)
Some stuffed animals can be washed in the wash machine. Also if you wait long enough the scent will go away on it's own. This does take a long time.
It smells like rotted skin and blood. Carries the faint scent of old salty pickles. Very strange scent indeed.