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Im 13 and have my nose pierced i see nothing wrong w/ it as long as their responisble enough to keep it clean and have it not get infected

You will have to check the laws for the area that you are living in. Some states do not allow minors to get piercings other than the ears. Some allow it with parental permission.

Personally to me its to young but ultimately your choice

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15y ago

Getting your nose pierced is likely going to hurt regardless of how old you are. It's your pain tolerance, not your age, that dictates how much it's going to hurt.

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12y ago

It depends. Maybe you have a different kind of belly button than older people do. Im getting mine done and i am around this age.

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12y ago

All piercings hurt to some extent. It really depends on the persons pain tolerance not necessarily on their age.

I've had mine pierced - it was a slight pinch and then it was over.

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14y ago

Yea it does hurt

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Q: Does it hurt for a 13 year old girls to get their nose piercing?
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Does nose or cartilage piercing hurt more?

just got my nose re-pierced yesterday, and i've had my cartilage done for about a year now. For me, the pain level is about the same. The piercing itself didn't actually hurt much at all for either, its just sore for a while after you get it done. I think my cartilage was worse, but not by that much. I don't think either piercing is that painful, but they do really look good. I just have a regular one hole cartilage piercing, but I hope I could help a little. :)

What kind of piercing do you think is best for a 16 year old?

Lip or nose.

Can a 13 year old get a nose piercing?

Yes, but you will need to have a parent or guardian accompanying you.

What hurts more an ear piercing or nose piercing?

Your belly button has more nerves in it, so it will hurt more. I can't really say but I had my belly button done when i was 14(6years ago) and I was terrified but it didn't even hurt my mum friend had her nose done and said it hurt and was a lot like the top of your ear because its cartilage but is in a more sensitive area so I'm guessing your nose might hurt more but they are probably similar. Your belly button doesn't hurt because its just a flap of skin and heals really quickly. I've personally had both done, and the nose hurt a little more. I had my nose pierced with a gun and it just stung for a little while, just the same as the belly button. And the belly button takes longer to heal than the nose, the nose takes 2 weeks where as the belly button takes about months to a year. Don't get me wrong they both hurt a bit, but it feels similar to a shot. :) **from a personal view i thought that my belly button hurt worse, but my nose definitely made me curse out loud, so who is to say they both don't hurt equally from your view. I do know that my belly button is healing way faster than my nose did, I've had it pierced since Dec 09 and the tissue is still tender, I had issues with it ripping out in my sleep so ouch, but my belly button has been done no more than a week and even though it hurt worse I'm satisfied with my results, it looks and feels pretty great to me. It's only been two months since my nose piercing. Everybody's body is different though but I would NOT get any piercing other than my ears (and even that I don't recommend, read up on a gun vs a hollow needle) that's ridiculous. I would never recommend a gun for a nose eyebrow belly button etc piercing and I definitely would not let a shop pierce me like that!

Does the industrial piercing hurt more the belly button piercing?

It hurts way more! Industrial piercing is not as straightforward as traditional piercing, it is considerably more painful; The piercing, can take between three months to one year to fully heal.

Can a 11 year old get a mouth piercing?

Id say but its up to your parents im geting a munroe piercing and i allready have a nose pircing and im only 11

How many girls get hurt in coed sports a year?

All of them

Where in North Carolina can a 13 year old get a nose a piercing?

Yes you can with your parent`s permisstion IT`S DANGER TO DO IT YOUR SELF!

Why do 16 year old girls nipples hurt?

because they are growing.

Can you get a piercing in the nose at age 11?

It depends on the development of the nose and nostril ridge. Not every nostril can be pierced at your age, only a professional body piercer will be able to tell if you have developed the proper ridge at 11 years old. You may need to wait a year or two till the nose develops more. Piercing the nostril early before the ridge has developed can cause the piercing to droop and end up being placed in the wrong location. Nothings worse than a nostril piercing that's placed incorrectly.

Can you ever take a nose ring out without it closing?

Once the piercing is "seasoned" that is to say over a year old then you can remove the jewellery for short periods of time ( 24 ~ 48 hrs) without the piercing closing completely

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It depends on factors like maturity and anger.